Thursday, April 7, 2011

Big O Turns Big 7

Named "Big O" by Bill, Oliver's PE teacher who was also very proud of Dexter ("franchise"), cheap shot Ollie (as we call him) turns seven today. Last week he had some friends over for a party and a sleepover, although only two slept over. Have to say I was not looking forward to waking up in the middle of the night to take a scared young one home but these guys have stayed over before and I was not awakened. Of course Maria slept near the little guys. When most fell asleep, Dexter and I finished the movie, "The Magnificent Seven." Hearing the vibrant, melodic score makes me want to ride a horse. Thinking about riding a horse makes me want to not ride a horse.So what did Oliver ask for, for his seventh? I kid you not; Sunny Delight and Lucky Charms cereal. Ollie even gave us the option of one or the other. For the cereal he really wanted a Legos cereal (is there such a thing?) and when pressed for something else, he said a surprise. Also he wished to go to his favorite fine dining establishment; Round Table pizza on Geary Street. It has a large back area, is never crowded when we go, and there are a few games inside. So tonight we went. Oliver wanted one friend to have dinner with us. Dexter dug the refillable drinks. I sat down and ate. Pretty easy gig.

If you consider the minimalist requests that Dexter had for Christmas, I'm wondering if Maria and I are laying on the people that have less than you, when we were kids and reused toilet paper type of stories kind of thick, or perhaps these guys really are unselfish. Yes, selfish in some ways as young people need to be in finding their personal space but in wanting of material goods, these guys impress.

After dinner, a ride out to see my Dad and Uncle Mike. Cake, a song, a gift from Grandpa/Gung Gung, hugs and the ride home. Baseball in the lobby, then a bit of homework, and receiving presents from Cailin, Dexter, us, and Uncle Bob (and Aunt Kathy). Maria used to ask Dexter, "do you like being Dexter?" which I always thought was a good way to check in with a child. Tonight if she were to ask Oliver if he enjoys his life, I bet he would answer, "yes. yes I do".
He might also tell you that Mom is the boss and that I have a very large nose.


  1. Happy Birthday Oliver!! The pictures make you look so grown up!

    Sending you our belated birthday wishes!

  2. Hobbs,
    nice to hear from you! I read everyone your comment. Your stories about Costa Rica are pretty special-but took the wind out of my blog of my family's trip to Santa Rosa. Of course, short of of material I'll just write about Santa Rosa later.


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