Maria wanted me to log this as a way of describing our boys so as requested, here goes: last week my dear Aunt Janey asked Maria and the boys to visit to see if Dexter would be up to tackling her summer gardening/weeding. When they showed Aunt Janey had prepared lunch with many of their favorite foods. The garden was not at all important- what is important is that Maria, Dexter and Oliver sit down and eat. That's Aunt Janey! And here's $15 for the boys just for showing up.
After lunch, Dexter asked Maria if he could check out the garden and do some weeding. He went down and got started. Oliver wanted a cut of the money but was not into the weeding/work so he was happy to watch tv. After 30 minutes or so Dexter came back up. At that point Oliver wanted his cut and was dismayed to find that no work/effort=no pay. Once the scene was clean (post meltdown) he negotiated with Maria for time (15 minutes of work too much) of something like 5 minutes for $2. Oliver takes care of himself.. Dexter is more empathetic.
I've been having difficulty downloading pictures from my camera onto our computers so because of this have not been blogging of late- instead of a decent feeling of getting some thoughts down, it's been about technical difficulties and frustrations...I will dedicate some time to clear this up. However first things first- another observation Maria wanted me to record, and it goes like this:
Oliver has started 3rd grade this week and it's been a difficult week for him. He is separated from his best school chums, Killlian and Andrew for the first time and currently finds himself sitting at a table with some one he is not fond of. It's only the first week and he has not located his comfort zone yet. Tonight when speaking to him about how helpful he is in class -that he need not try so hard to be helpful as he is a good fun boy. Oliver said that he really doesn't want his teacher to know that deep down he is really just a unorganized, messy boy. His mother then told him that deep down his family- all four of us- are really just unorganized and messy boys. The last part of that declaration caught me by surprise but whatever- as long as people are happy and kind, I'm down with it. But back to Oliver- climbing up to his now inherited upper bunk bed (as Dexter now has his own room), he smiled in recognition to what Maria had said.
Last night was the baseball All-Star Game and the best showing by a bunch of Giants ever (at least in 40 years for me!). Panda and Melky had big hits, Melky was the MVP, Matt Cain pitched two scoreless innings and got the win, and Buster caught for five! innings and scored a run (also just missing a home run with a long fly ball). Giants scored five runs, knocked in five runs-Melky (HR), Panda (bases load 3B).
Three months into our fantasy league and we have nearly a 600 point lead (I've determined that 40 points is equal to about one game). Brother Chris went through a nerve wracking couple of weeks with his weak heart but we are heartened to know that he is now better, and hopefully for some time.
I'm feeling more secure in my new spot at work- it feels good to be part of a team, even if my days now involve meetings and much more structure and supervision.
Last week we hosted for July 4 with Tracey, Edward, Anne, Ben, Lance, Bobby, Meredyth, Anne. Tina and GC (just back from a lovely Italy trip!). Tracey and Edwards young ones stayed overnight on the 3rd and that was easy and fun. The SF fireworks were to my mind a spectacular dud-better to have the 27 second accidental all-at-once show that was San Diego.
We stay overnight in San Jose on Friday and scored with a Priceline bid of $65 (81) for what turned into the Fairmont. I feel that there is much to be explored in San Jose and look forward to spending more time there. The weather was warm, the pool lovely. It seems that everywhere else in the country is too hot. Even Seattle seems to hitting the 80's.
Dad really perks up around the kids and every once in awhile, I catch that old sparkle. Tonight Dexter and I pass up watching any of the shows he's been enjoying; 30 Rock, The Office, Community, Futurama and old Star Trek reruns (all shows). He's opted to play wii Endless Ocean :Blue World, a very gentle game (nice relief from all the violent stuff he tries to get to!)
We joined the Y in Chinatown for swimming but sometimes it is so crowded and rowdy. I'm drawn to the above the street outside sitting area and the idea that I can get a coffee from North Beach and some cookies from Stella's bakery, a newspaper and work out that way.
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
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