Saturday, September 29, 2012

Rocky Night

Just got back from a nice dinner with Tina and GC (see Giants win the World Series), as this year's Giants ready themselves for another run into the playoffs.  I hope next summer, a reelected President Obama will be hosting the team once again. Of course the season is long and you never know where the road turns to.

Some years back Ri, qqand I went on a drive to Southern California.  We were using my parents car for they wanted us to drive in a safer, newer car.  Unfortunately on this drive back home, late at night, somewhere beyond the streets of Bakersfield, the car overheated in the worst way and we needed to pull over.  Sometime around 11p-midnight, on the highway with no paved roads, in mostly darkness.  Did we have a cell phone? I can't recall. When you're walking on the edge of a highway trying to find the nearest town when cars can't see you, the speed in which they pass by is frightening.  We had one flashlight.

We found a phone (emergency road phone) and called 3A for a tow. We headed back to car carefully and still spooked in the darkness  but knowing that there was an all night gas station with a repairman who happened to be working that late.  Actually we most likely found this out later when the tow driver reviewed our options.

The tow driver was friendly and drove us to the station.  I recall our arrival and catching the glances of three men who didn't seem that happy to receive us.  They were older, had lived their lives (perhaps lived several lives) and were to the point that they really didn't want to tackle another job but knowing that we had no other hope, would take a look.

The mechanic- the other two men were just keeping company, had a look of an aged Thor, but one who had given up the super hero business two decades before, and accepted the mortal code of beer and surviving in a tough world. With his sun weathered skin, he took a look at our vehicle and said we were all in for a long night. There was no humor in his voice and he was not looking out for a place where we could all wait, in anything resembling comfort.  Instead we gathered outside in the open cold space of the all night gas station.

Funny how you might walk pass someone who you perceive you have no connection to but there always is connection- it just needs to be revealed.  Locked in a room without walls to frame us in but instead this lonely space where we found ourselves in, the hours of night brought to me a new friend named Rocky.

We spoke of where we lived, "San Francisco. I hear that's kind of a weird place",where we've been, how we got to where we are in the here and now (nothing fancy, just specific; traveling back home. parents car which they wanted us to use, broke...just working to live), and a bond, discovered in patience and of family. Rocky spoke of a daughter he was missing, who lives with her mother.  For a reason that i can not recall, he left that home but was hoping that he could go back.  The problem didn't seem to be any obstacle other than Rocky. In some ways it seemed to me, as he prodded our vehicle to function, Rocky was speaking aloud to himself.

The evening continued, Maria went to sleep in the car but i stayed up with Rocky as his sidekick listening and offering my random comments. There was laughter and frustration with the car but seven, eight hours later, Rocky got the vehicle working again.  It escapes me what he charged but it was much less than we thought it might be, and probably what it should have been.

We shook hands. Rocky asked us to stop by again, under better circumstances. He smiled and waved goodbye.  Unlike when we first showed up, he seemed a bit shy.   I was proud to have made a friend in unlikely circumstances.  The road frightened us but ultimately led us to a good place and as I reflect tonight, one of the best roads ever traveled (not that I'd want to experience those events again).

Two years later we did stop by (Maria was tired of me saying that we should visit Rocky- so she made sure we did) but Rocky wasn't there. The men who were, laughed and said he left.  Gone to be with his daughter.

Monday, September 24, 2012


Not too long ago, Dexter celebrated his 14th birthday.  For the first time he did so with a brand new crowd.  While we would miss the long time friends that he usually invited along, we honored his request to keep this occasion small with new faces.  We were happy that he has new friends!   Simplicity was the thing; start by sugaring  everyone up (especially me) at Ghiradelli's, stroll across Aquatic Park to the Museum Mechanique, continue to the Pier 39 arcade and finish up at In n Out.

It's a nice group of guys he brought along.  This day with glorious sun and ringing arcade noises was easy, and good.   Have a great year son.

                                                    an almost win is a win nevertheless

                                                                  no complaints

                                      Dewey,  Kevan (Kee-van), Royce, and 2 goofballs

                                                      5 at the Square,  all for 14


Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Story of The Stairs

     Been out at my Dad's (Happy 92 by the way!) more of late. Some great neighbors that I've known since I was the age of my boys.  The Dickinsons, Grants (Mr. G gave me my first Sidney Bechet record), The Ayabes, Collins family, the first Oliver I ever knew down the block....but here's a particular story.  About stairs. And neighbors.

   A very fine game you can play with a tennis ball, a good set of stairs, and a clear path of sidewalk leading to the street is necessary .  You also need a good pair of eyes to prevent running into the street and being hit by an oncoming vehicle in the attempt to make a great catch.  Two people can play and its a very simple; one batter and one fielder. The batter throws the ball (varied by velocity and angle of the throw) into the stairs attempting to get anything from a meager bounce to a rocket which is created when a hard throw meets the point of a stair.  The ball lands in three areas curbside for a single,double or triple- and into the street, a home run.  Occasionally the ball will fly deep and high, arcing across the street reaching the sidewalk on the other side.  A mighty blast.

     For the resident within these homes, this can be an nuisance; the sound of a ball rattling within a stairwell can be loud. Sometimes the ball will bounce upward and against the front door at the top of the stairs.  Sorry!  The Goldsmiths at 346 always had the best stairs and for a kindness we didn't truly appreciate then, they didn't mind us playing on them.  They moved out of the neighborhood way back in '72 but we enjoyed the transition time as stair baseball -all-the-time!

     Our core group of the Grant Brothers, John and Robbie, myself and John Dickinson would spend
many cool, breezy  and sunny weekend days playing stair baseball or walking in circles.  Funny thing is when someone moves out of a house, someone else moves in and they don't always appreciate kids playing baseball on their stairs.  My recollection is the sound of a door being pulled open and a new face appearing and accusing us of destroying his property.  "What do you think you kids are doing?!"  Never one to shy away from a war of words, John D. responded with something in the way of "get lost, old man".  And we were off to the races.

       Over time "old man" was amended to a more affectionate "rookie" in response to the new neighbor's claims of athletic prowess.  Now 40 years later, the Mares still reside at 346.  Bringing along Dexter I acknowledged this landmark by showing up unannounced and playing stair baseball on Rookie's steps. This was also for you, John D.

       It seems that 40 years can relax people and as has been their way for nearly all those years, the Mares welcomed our visit.  Milt and Soni, glad you're around and thank you for always welcoming Dexter and Oliver.  They are great neighbors.

                                  some thugs from 30th AV: Milt(Rookie),un-named, John and Rob, whose
                                    father introduced me to hockey and lasting, some of the greats of Jazz
                                                            updated photo from 12/12

      Also, here's some pics from Oliver's second game. Not liking being a catcher, he reports. Enjoys being a good teammate, listens deeply to his coaches, and loves to run the bases.

                                         And a big shout out as well to our dear friend Johnna Rapp who
                                               shares a birthday (9/16) with Dad. Two of the best Yo!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Big O's Wheelhaus

Oliver's first game in Little League was Sunday 9/9/12.  His team with head coach Linda Colfax and Coach Mark Lorenzen is the Pirates! This, a nice coincidence for Dexter's middle school team is the Panthers so both boys have black caps with the letter "P".
While Dext has been the old pro in the family playing  baseball,T-Ball, and Little League for several years and now with Presidio-  Oliver has gotten a later start to join an organized league. Due to the popularity of baseball after the Giants won the World Series, his parents could not sign him up for Little League as easily as they could Dexter- one of the benefits of having local Major League teams that were then awful.

Big O was excited leading up to the game. On Saturday the family found a large grassy area in the Presidio to hit balls off a tee and to play catch- also getting his necessities in order: baseball pants, a cup (no, that is not a gas mask and you do want to tuck all your particles within it).

The coaches set a nice tone welcoming the children- this group all about eight years old, distributing nice black (with yellow lettering) tops and caps. Oliver was the smallest of the Little League guys and was quiet and tentative at the beginning.

In this division- Farm league the coaches pitch overhand and no score is kept during the four? inning game proceeded by one hour of practice. Every child ends up believing their team won, still in a reality where what is, is what you wish it to be.

Did Ollie have fun? Yes.  How did he do in this game (Pirates-Cardinals)?  Great, or favoritism aside, he played like all the games played in our apartment lobby meant something.  Four at bats, only five pitches swung at with four liners back up the middle. All hits! Safe!  Our lobby is built for 10 foot throws so Oliver was great at throwing the ball ten feet- unfortunately on this actual field, 30 feet might have been better for the team.  He's got something to work on, certainly.  On balls hit toward him, he was able to find them, eventually.

What still has Oliver grinning is that Coach Linda said that a tradition she began last year was the issuing of a game ball signed by the teammates.  Oliver was awarded the first game ball of the season for his effort.  Surprised, he nearly choked on the cup he was drinking out of.  He tried to keep the joy we knew he was experiencing underwraps, and he kept a pretty good poker face.  But go ahead and ask him about this honor and prepare to listen.

                                                poker face of joy/pride

                                                                 Here's to you #5

Monday, September 3, 2012

The Ultimate High Five!

August 25, 2012. The Headlands Center For The Arts, Sausalito, a rustic charming building located in a wooded and green locale where after journeying down a trail, one could drive a baseball in the time between a wedding ceremony and dinner.

One month after another epic Ironman event,this time in Switzerland, Andrew and Kristine's whirlywind2012 continues to its ultra-epic event, their wedding.   I couldn't accurately gauge how nervous Andrew might have been as he has been away,  and our work schedules don't mesh as they once did.  I am sure that the nerves there had some play (good type of nervous) but perhaps he may have been more nervous about the proposal  way back when.  Then the concern may have been just he and Kristine but with the wedding, logistics and planning and care for family would occupy the mind except in isolated moments, until the day.

Dexter's favorite weather, cloudy and cool but not cold.  A bus would drive most of the guests from their downtown SF Hotel across the bridge (don't be late, bus!). The minister, gentle in nature, garbed angelic,solitary as he waited,  presided as though heaven sent. He delivered a gracious union of the two, who welcomed their transition to one.  Andrew, in the most gallant of vows, somehow got in some geek speak/terminology but made it all work.  I think he had to be pleased with the laughter those lines received.

Before and after the ceremony a piano player played standards and did so with a nice touch, very fine selections. Between chasing the flight of the baseballs, I could hear from the upstairs window, Ellington/Strayhorn's "Prelude To A Kiss" which as the entire event demonstrated, great taste!  As Kristine and Andrew walked hand in hand among the delighted, enthralled witnesses, "Mr. Blue Sky" celebrated in joyous if not obscure tones.

This was a wedding that we were very happy to experience; the setting and pacing were excellent in vision and flow.  The signature touches, planning and esthetics were precise, playful and perfected to the limits of imagination. Snacks were abundant, beverages and food were thoughtful, fresh and really, really good.  Children received food right away! and the choices were the tastiest (I had 3 portions!!), apparently drawn from discussions with Kristine and Andrew but not decided until the morning of, gathered from the market.

Sun is shinin' in the sky
There ain't a cloud in sight
It's stopped rainin' ev'rybody's in a play
And don't you know
It's a beautiful new day hey,hey

Runnin' down the avenue
See how the sun shines brightly in the city
On the streets where once was pity
Mister blue sky is living here today hey, hey

Mister blue sky please tell us why
You had to hide away for so long
Where did we go wrong?

Hey you with the pretty face
Welcome to the human race
A celebration, mister blue sky's up there waitin'
And today is the day we've waited for

Hey there mister blue
We're so pleased to be with you
Look around see what you do
Ev'rybody smiles at you

At the end of the day, these are two souls that I don't feel a need to worry about, just to wish the best for.
August 25, 2012 confirmed those thoughts as very,very correct.

Hello Friends

Hello friends.  I had a nice break but now I'd like to jump back in and start recording these days again.

In July, frustrated by technical difficulties (over loading photos from a fun trip to the woods with the Burckins) I decided to go the easy route and not solve the download/file storage/whatever was happening-problems.

Also time spent settling into my new role at work,  reunion with old friends from Double Rainbow, a visit with B-Rose and watching a lot of bad television shows (although I am enjoying the recent season of  the intense "Breaking Bad" and  the funny "Community").   Plus Tina is starting some mysterious new job, her father John gave me his childhood team hat- Inter Milan, Colleen and Maya are back from Africa and Andrew just got married.  Plus, the Giants and A's are having the best simultaneous years since 2002. And our parents are feeling more spirited than in months past.

Here we are 8/25/12 during a short break between the ceremony and dinner.
Next up: some words about the Event.

         Dexter took this- the best ever photo of me swinging a bat. Looks like a baseball card pose.  It's hit                                                                     "waaaaaaay back"

I Can't Keep This A Secret Any Longer

With great news this morning of November 7,2020, it's time to share more: I didn't like my makeup and admittedly I am wearing a bad ...