Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Statues Coming Down

   Mayor Mitch Landrieu's decision to take down the four prominent statues of the Confederate leaders is a good move- although not one without various layers of resistance, but it is time. Despite his looking more like Uncle Fester these days and an earlier hard line curfew/ban on neighborhood musicians (still baffling), this is brave, and right.  One of the statues has grown to exist as an iconic piece of New Orleans architecture, the centerpiece of Lee Circle.  This is a link to the text of the speech the Mayor gave, and his reasons behind this decision (all four are now removed, taken down without violence). Kudos, New Orleans.

Mayor Landrieu's Reasons for the removal of the statues of the Confederacy

I Can't Keep This A Secret Any Longer

With great news this morning of November 7,2020, it's time to share more: I didn't like my makeup and admittedly I am wearing a bad ...