Monday, August 22, 2016

The Greenland Shark

    Maybe I'm not so old after all.

I think this is the coolest news.

400-year-old Greenland shark is oldest vertebrate animal Here's the link:
Greenland Shark 250-400 years old

These sharks exist in freezing waters. They swim very slowly less than one mile an hour but can burst when predating. Not seen often as they prefer these sub artic waters and will swim down deep (7200 feet) seeking colder waters, they are mysterious and large creatures, reaching 21-24 feet in length.  Greenland sharks are complete scavengers and will eat anything, also having the most toxic of all shark meat. Greenland sharks are also a big part of Inuit lore and also living in brackish waters, might actually be what people thought as the Loch Ness Monster.

(from Sharksider and Wikipedia)

Sunday, August 21, 2016

50th Anniversary Trek

Here we go once again.  It was cheaper to stay an extra night than leave/arrive on the weekend but the thought of 4 nights in Vegas seemed a little long.  It was just right. Evenings dedicated to solid dinners, movie (Star Trek Beyond, of course), and the exciting Las Vegas 51's Triple A baseball team.  Paul, Dennis and gallant 51's pint glasses (no ugly sponsor logos too). All events Star Trek filled up our time easily. It's a treat travelling with Dexter and if this is our last one, it was a good one.  Creation Entertainment will benefit if they diversify their moderators in the future, and offer more panels that are based in nostalgia (go forward, not just celebrate the past).

It's always fun chancing into Trek actors strolling in the hallways and other places: Odo is on our plane!!  Ezri Dax at Starbucks!!


     I laughed when I glanced over at Nichelle Nichols and she was doing the Vulcan gesture, so how could I      refuse?

Takei's zero gravity experience a day or two before his appearance

Michael Westmore makeup feature. This year, Borg.

Westmore visited by one of his faves

confused franchises

            I especially like the lady at the end. I suppose she's patiently waiting to be assimilated.
Captain K
nice work on his costume.

                    Oh my! Ferengi's here (actual Rom and Nog) The actor that plays Nog is very grateful for                             having received a recent kidney transplant, and let his tears flow on stage

                                            Orion slave boys? I imagine they had an active weekend

Vulcan here....
Vulcan there....
This man is about 6/5" and kept showing up. Has a Nimoy-ish quality no doubt. A little creepy.

Whoopi loved that peeps came dressed as Guinan(s)
a sponsorship that was actually very very cool
Nice job Mac. Their actors were great and the transporter effect/emails that they provided to attendees was fun (and free), without limits

                          Clint Howard spotted this costume in the audience and called out for a photo op

                                       yeah, the Spock guy again but I liked the frame of this shot

                        Las Vegas 51's (Mets) v. Fresno Grizzlies (Astros). crazy game 51's win 12-10

wall banner completely signed by the fans.and no one took the Sharpies 
Star Trek makes Eastwood (and kids) day, apparently 1979
Goofiest panels involve the Next Generation cast
Across the Trek timeline: Marina Sirtis from TNG hugs Nichelle Nichols, TOS
Voyager can become silly as well

            There were several thoughtful panels and one was Women and Star Trek; writers, actors, scientists and fans. Notably, BJo Trimble who is a big of Trek's survivial story.  Some stars participated in forums such as this- Kate Mulgrew and others appeared in a Shakespeare discussion, and other presentations.    

            Great spending time with Paul, catching up with Dennis, and seeing Zoila and Hooly (sp) again. From all the Trek shows, nearly full casts were in attendance. Lacking movie representation (Beyond) although Karl Urban, who has attended previously had to cancel due to a rescheduled filming schedule. Here this year but not in the past three were Whoopi Goldberg, Kirstie Alley and Scott Bakula. All seem to enjoy interacting with fans, and why not? Be somewhere where you are adored, hang with your peers and old friends, and receive a paycheck; a fairly large paycheck for some.  All those good hearted fans paying $100 for a photo with an unsmiling William Shatner (he could at least smile thinking about the $95-$100 he gets for those pictures x400, plus the autographs...)      

                          Note; some photos taken from public postings on the net. Most are my own.

                                                          As the great man says, LLAP.

Field Trip With John

   John has always been fascinated with airplanes and wanted to take the boys and I to the Hiller Aviation Museum near Redwood City. It's in a large warehouse with an addition outside.  The older vehicles intrigue in their design and reckless abandonment, it seems to me with anything to do with safety. To these pioneers who sought the point of view of creatures on wings, with many not on the template of a lengthy life span, you guys were brave, courageous wackadoodles. Interesting to note that the Wright Brothers survived their own close calls and tragedy and then had the wits to become consultants once they achieved success in their primary goal, to successfully get airborne.  The trek to Trek.

Pre flight, sitting with NaNa

all the helicopters suggest a party of dragonflies

      John has always wanted to go up and fly in a sea plane. I don't know- can we make this happen?
Hey! The first person to fly in California was Feng Ru who built an aircraft and flew it in 1909 outside of Oakland, CA.  He moved back to China and died in 1912 during a demonstration flight. Dude!, Why did you go!

they survived this crashing tin can. Must have been the scariest landing.

It's a good day to hang with the boys and John. I might add that I enjoyed the coffee afterwards just as much.

I Can't Keep This A Secret Any Longer

With great news this morning of November 7,2020, it's time to share more: I didn't like my makeup and admittedly I am wearing a bad ...