Thursday, May 16, 2013

My Favorite Vulcan

from the big finale scene; our crew and director must surf to safety, from the darkness
 Last night Cailin gave Dexter and I the opportunity to see the movie Star Trek Into Darkness at a Paramount screening. Of course we took her up on the offer! At the Century Theatre in the Westfield Mall downtown, Dext and I ran up and down in Nordstrom's before the realization of the theater is in the mall, not the store we were in.  Our own little adventure scurrying levels of escalators, as if the fate of the planet were in our hands.

 A big screen movie has the advantage of the resources a movie studio invests; big production values and quality people behind and in front of the camera. If the creative team is able and willing they can take their time to develop a sound product.   The disadvantage for me at is that these movies have to have big action pieces, explosions, destruction and people getting killed- the threat of everything we value - every single film.  Usually at least half the feature is dedicated to these requirements leaving just an hour for character development.  In my mind Star Trek is better served as a television show where the possibility of a quiet internal episode is allowed to occur.  At the same time it's exciting to go to a crowded movie theater and sharing the experience.

 The revisiting and twists of the Star Trek canon that may upset fans of the franchise didn't bother me as these moments were used- as were the scenes of the big visual set pieces to primarily serve the development of the characters. The reveals are not as important to the story as how our uniformed pals relate to each other. Nice performances all the way around, and happily the Golden Gate Bridge is never in jeopardy (a cliche that drives me nuts).  By the way the greatest appeal about Star Trek is not the hope of humans thriving and surviving centuries from now but much more thrilling is there will be a time in the future when it will be really cool to wear your pajamas to work.

  Coming back home around midnight, both Dexter and I were very satisfied, and planning our next viewing with friends and partners. Maria will not be spared.  Resistance is futile.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013


   School Of The Armadillos.  Dexter has been accepted to the high school of his choosing.  Resigned to another four years of a general subject situation, we were very surprised to find that Dext had made it into Sota.  Both D and I had thoughts, thoughts we liked of finding our way to Ghiradelli Square after a day at Galileo HS with an ice cream sundae before us.  His concepts were probably daily visits and I could see myself getting out there once, or twice a week. Sometimes even with Dexter.  Galileo is a fine school but large.  My Mother went there and I didn't mind the thought of Dexter going to be a Galileo Lion (he's been a Panther) too.

    Dexter was applying for a Theater Tech position at the School Of The Arts.  With Maria's guidance he had constructed a nice box and inside it some of his craft work; items sewn, clay molded, baked and painted.  Dext wrote a well conceived essay as to why he would be a good fit for Sota. And then the interviews.  His parents had already missed the first round and so there was already an impression that the ship was already leaving port.

    He felt that the interviews were cold and interviewers abrupt.  He thought he had done okay- handled the tools part of the interview well enough; power drills!   As he cradled his small craft work, bummed but relieved to be done, we watched as other children flowed into the room with gigantic projects; someone had a 5x5  foot model of the Boston Commons,  they were giant robots, and airplanes.  And here, Dexter had his eight inch by one foot box.  Oh damn,  i thought, we're going to have to break the news to him at sooner than later.

    The deadline passed and we were ready to get the Galileo paperwork started. ObiWan Maria however decided to contact Sota (as we also did not have a rejection letter).  !Dexter was accepted but we did not receive an acceptance letter to sign, which was due soon.  At the very same time that Maria was speaking to the admittance person, the USPS mail came into the Sota office with their returned letter to us (no apartment #).

     With good friends Jake and Kevan (music department) and knowing Maia who also will be in the Theater Tech Department,  Dexter  has warmed up to the possibilities of participating in a program where his talents can be utilized and not lost in the mass of general ed.  Last weekend's orientation was exciting.  It felt different, intimate.  I liked how one of the speakers asked how many of the kids felt that somehow they got into Sota by accident, a fluke?  She delivered a rousing and encouraging response that no one was admitted by accident. Each student there was wanted by the school and this is their chance, no matter what they will later choose to do, to have an opportunity to do something different and creative. This is their new community (unrelated side note: Dexter is excited that the tv show, Community is getting a fifth year) and along with the hard work, this just may be a lot of fun.

       Alright then, game on!  We're proud of our guys. As for Dexter,  I couldn't script a better young man than who he is today.

    Here's part of Dexter's submitted essay: 
About me, I am half Irish, half Chinese, a vegetarian and a wildlife lover. I do best in school when I am excited by the work and have the opportunity to be creative. Your Theater Tech program seems like a great way to learn, improve and inspire  my creative art work. When I was shadowing I had a great time interacting with the other SOTA students and enjoyed  just helping out and being part of a group project, even if it was only for three hours.
I believe that theater is a very important aspect to the world’s social life; it helps people to understand their situations. I crave interesting stories and would love to help create some of SOTA’s great Theater performances.

I Can't Keep This A Secret Any Longer

With great news this morning of November 7,2020, it's time to share more: I didn't like my makeup and admittedly I am wearing a bad ...