Minor on the disappointment of a dream splintered and with that, a new road to travel. Nearly 29 years in a place we know as home will at some point in 2014 be behind us. Perhaps all for the better. Change is change; neither good or bad. How we react and adjust to it will bring out its value and sum of all these things.
Major is the joyous becoming of the gallant ones and the sum of their two, the one. Special are these days for Dexter and Oliver have a new cousin to behold. From photos we observe how truly cute this little fellow is and await the day to see him in person. We are happy for all. And to Bob and Kathy for 37 years of continual love and support; you lead and inspire. To my Mom who even after leaving this Earthly place takes care of us. And Ann, who centers all of us; the heart of our family.
(images by Jack King Kirby)