video clips of the whale in Alameda, my camera
This whale is absolutely amazing, not only of sight but sound and being in the presence of such magnificence. At times as close as 15 feet, as the recipient of a spout of mist and breath made me laugh, full and with joy. Spooked on occasion by the sudden force of her emergence from the depths but for this short time of days, hours of pure amazement. The above video is an accidental montage, only partially spoiled when the goofball speaks the last 5 seconds (me).
In the summer of 2019, a young humpback whale came into our waters to feed, and nourish on a plentiful supply of sardines, and whatever else a humpback eats. She(?) was thin for a whale, and everyone in the area let her be. For several days she moved in closer into a cove, nearshore circling day and night. So impressive to be in this mammal's presence, feeling her strength and power. 25 feet long, perhaps 15-20 tons. I'd wait for her to appear and nearly every time, surprised by that strength and majesty, my hands would rise when she did spoiling nearly every cameral shot.
One day she moved further offshore, and then in the early evening, she was gone. Hopefully strengthened to continue her journey. In this short time together, our whale friend dubbed Allie with her own FB page built a community of curious maritime wanderers, joined together to observe and hope.
Best days of wonder for me of 2019.

(last image from the East Bay Express. She would breach only in the very early am hours)