Still a blast! Oliver, 7 approaches it as his most important day of work (increased metrics, better flow) and was stoked to get going. Dexter, was on the fence about going- he's feeling older (Dext, once you stop- you won't start again!) but fortunately the afternoon of, he was ready to go too. Dexter wanted to wear the bear outfit again (did two years ago) which is a crazy thing to walk around in, and he did. Although his Dad ended up carrying the head between houses. We went with Anne, Ben and Ellen (Ava was at an school overnight trip) and Sirina, Michael and Zachary. Sirina's first time (she had to work last year) and she decided to go get some candy herself.

This was a fun night for all of us. Dexter managed to wander suited for nearly 90 minutes before retiring for the evening while Oliver was undeterred in his mission. Except for one scary house and in particular a kid who stood frozen as a statue- then suddenly turned in front of Ollie and growled at him. Even in his Captain America outfit, Oliver was terribly frightened. Was it wrong for me to "accidentally" push this other kid over? I think perhaps.

There is a house on California Street between 30th and 31st Avenue where they put on a lively thematic celebration every year. This year they scaled down a bit in the production but the mariachi theme was fun and the music joyful. In year's past, there were more musicians and dancers. Last year was a big New Orleans brass band- and other years- Renaissance, Tango, Eastern Belly Dancers. Come and go as you please but it's a generous show from neighbors never known. I found out that last year was going to be the final year but they reconsidered, scaled down, and went ahead. Thankfully.

The Niners are 6-1. #2 in ESPN's power rankings- a huge surprise. Stanford football wins in triple overtime v. USC. The Cardinals win the World Series v. Texas (Texas loses again) in seven games, saving game six twice- down to their last strike. Incredible win ( with questionable fielding by Texas RF Cruz)! MVP is Freese who grew up in St.Louis. Lance Berkman delivered the tying 2 run hit in the 10th with 2 outs and 2 strikes said that as a child you imagine this situation playing in your backyard but with the pressure of letting down the fans and your teammates after getting a second strike, he felt huge pressure. Although he was able to relax and deliver the big clutch hit, Berkman cautions kids to "be careful for what you wish for".
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