Tuesday, September 29, 2015


We have four hummingbirds that visit us (for some time, it was just one, possibly two females) and I've been obsessing about gaining their trust, and being able to take some photos. At first the images were blurry without much detail but I've found some nice vantage points where either they don't notice me, or they aren't threatened. Plus I've likely taken 300-400 (erased most, fear not), waiting 30 minutes until they arrive.
Frequently one will get close but then is chased away by another as they are fearless, territorial, and at least with each other not very considerate.

I marvel at their grace, and splendor in color (males are so pretty), their ability to fly like Tinkerbell, and how much mileage we've gotten out of our $1 feeder.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Field Day at 17

Ruth Asawa San Francisco School of the Arts's photo.

Eventful days for our young lad.  Becoming the human he is at 17, the joys of his Tech Mob community and this year's WIN! at Field Day (Vocal finished second) and participating in the pyramid and relay race competition (Dexter took the 3rd leg, running backwards), followed by a party at his friend Seb's home which was also a birthday celebration of Mr. D
For Field Day, these Tech Warriors decided on a Mad Max theme and adopted Kwapy's VW bug to a painted, platform and cannon filled beast able to hold several seniors and dispense many cold firing smoke canisters through several PVC cannons that were built on the vehicle.  
It made for an impressive entrance, and after last year's debacle at Field Day (and a very depressed and sad boy), this year's success made for a very fulfilling week.
And we also had a nice gathering here at the homestead:

It is always great to be with our family and to have the Bob and Kathy, Cai and my brother! Mike, Meredyth, Bobby, Perry and James visit with us and honor Dexter just makes this arranger of words very happy.  Thank you everyone. And D, we're very proud of you and the gentleman that you've become. You seem to have gotten our best qualities...although you do like to direct a lot.

I Can't Keep This A Secret Any Longer

With great news this morning of November 7,2020, it's time to share more: I didn't like my makeup and admittedly I am wearing a bad ...