Wednesday, February 24, 2016

This Is How I Feel Now: The American Presidential Campaign

Well, in case you were interested in another point of view of a left leaning West Coast oldster, here is this. And if not, don't read this. Anyway, I'm curious as to how I'll feel six months from now. Six years from now.

Republicans and Democrats. In America, we only have room for two parties apparently.  It's rare that both sides are so far apart; this is obviously a country divided or at least a political system divided.  Usually both are two sides close to the middle or leaning to the conservative (right).  Maybe 1972 Nixon-McGovern was there such a disparity. This Republican party has been run over by conservative ideologists by conceding to the zealots (choosing Sarah Palin as a VP candidate, then Paul Ryan 4 years later, legitimizing these radical parts of the party, although Ryan is now perceived by them as being too moderate. It's odd that of the five Republican candidates two are complete outsiders; businessman/opportunist/media star and knife wielding brain surgeon.

Trump: Crazy, right? But he's not really part of their party so they don't like him. Often right wing in his words (ugly American essentially) he is also a deal maker; doing what's best for him and his interests. So he's not particularly ideologically driven and in some cases, potential malleable to popular opinion. Essentially a comic on stage, his state of the union and convention speech would be 1. frightening 2. interesting 3.potentially hilarious; Trump doesn't inspire, or uplift-  he insults.  Would he really insult all the other world leaders? Yes, he could.  Appeals to a conservative, white America that continually is afraid of trade issues, and losing jobs to other countries; exporting of jobs, migrants taking jobs (that no one in America actually wants), people afraid of Muslims/Arab Americans/African Americans/Chicano-Latino Americans.

I want Donald Trump to win the Republican nomination for 1. he does not play by his own party's rules (threatens to go Independent if he doesn't get the nomination), has given money to Democratic candidates in the past (served his interests), blatantly proclaimed Bush's invasion of Iraq was a deception of the American public, and 2. we benefit from having this ugliness apparent, not hidden (show us the truth). In 1991 in Louisiana the Republicans chose as their primary candidate for Governor David Duke who was a White Supremacist and former head of the KKK.  A paper I wrote in college caused a stir in this class as I proposed that if Duke should win. As I recall it was the only time in college that people were yelling at me but Professor Levine was intrigued with how I approached life, and encouraged me.   Let's have the ugly part of who we are for all to see and all to deal with. We could then never forget or bury this part of our recent history. If he lost, everyone could pretend this never really happened- was just a blip of time.  He got this far for a reason, with a lot of support, a lot of hate.  Duke lost, received 39% of the vote and nearly 700,000 votes. People (mostly) forgot.  Don't get me wrong; I will do everything I can not to have our country choose any of these three. Oliver already says we'll move to Winnipeg.

John Oliver's take on Trump. It's very good: John Oliver on Donald Trump (click on the video link)

Ted Cruz, Canadian born. Please take him back.  Strongly ideologically driven and to me, scariest.  Not amendable to social change but would re-establish conservatism in this country not experienced in decades.  Fortunately his history has not created many alliances and many of his own party dislike him.  Sarah Palin who has worked with him in the past (they are ideologically connected but she too is an opportunist like Trump), chose to ally herself with Trump for she either believes him the stronger candidate or that he might provide her with employment.

Marco Rubio.  Although perceived as young and deer-in-the-headlights (in a recent debate when pressured he panicked and repeated one campaign point three consecutive times even when accused that this is exactly what he would do), he is potentially the biggest threat to Hilary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. Why? He's young, charming, Chicano-Latino by way of Cuba.  Superficially if one doesn't look at his policy or lack of policy, his anti-immigrant positions, he could peel off these votes from the Democratic candidate.  Also as the candidate the Republican party now strongly prefers (with Bush out, party leaders are rallying behind Rubio) he would have the fully party machine, plus the support of the voters that would support Trump and Cruz.

Rubio by Paul Krugman

I'd like to believe that Americans look deeper but I'm not so sure. There is time for his spin handlers to improve his give and take in debates, and he's already knocked out Jeb Bush with one dismissive example.  He also is likely to be paired up with South Carolina's up and coming female Governor which would make an attractive ticket.

The conflict between choosing Hillary and Bernie. Complicated also by Hillary's embracing of Kenny G as Jazz with Bernie's thorough appreciation of this now neglected American art form, noting Duke Ellington especially, it's been an internal struggle to decide.  Having volunteered on two campaigns of the anti-establishment, Jesse Jackson- following my heart, I have some understanding of Bernie's solid appeal.  While at the end of the day, I support Clinton as the most electable, I appreciate Sanders pushing the envelope, making Clinton embrace and discuss liberal ideas. There's a place that must be made for Sanders in domestic policy in a Clinton cabinet.  I am fearful that in choosing between Sanders vs.Trump/Cruz/Rubio that the American public would opt for someone showier (think how California chose Schwarzenegger. Twice.)  or younger, or thinking Cruz/Rubio are different (only their skin is, their hearts=policy are not).  Additionally when Bill Clinton won, after 12 years of Republican "rule", as I recall, with the Democrats controlling both houses of Congress and the Presidency, he chose Hillary to run out their major change to the American health care system, with a plan similar to the Single Payer system (Bernie's). Following this would be changes to policy of civil and social rights (promises to the Gay community).  However the Clinton initiative was killed by our Congress, and all the political capital they had was halted/spent. Following of course would be his various personal complications which would further sidetrack possible progress.  

Nearly 20 years later, President Obama has changed America's health care, broadening coverage for more Americans and providing for health insurers not to exclude citizens with pre-existing conditions of need. Health care reform barely passed and is continually being challenged by the Right. The changes have not been as major as a Single Payer system, and these changes have threatened to be repealed immediately by Cruz/Rubio if elected to the White House.  I feel that Sanders would have momentum going into his Presidency but lose much of it battling for Single Payer which will not pass, due to the Republican (and in some cases Democratic) obstructionists.  Additionally that Bernie is a self proclaimed socialist is wonderful but in a general election, middle America would be fearful, and this would be used against him. The Republicans would interchanging socialism with communism and "weak on terror". Despite this 20 million Americans would still happily choose a candidate who favors Socialism but that's not enough votes (my 20 million is random). 

Hillary also has built relations with domestic and international leaders of many parties, serving as Senator, and Secretary of State. Although I never considered this aspect when I supported Jackson, this is important. Years are spent building trust, and working relationships, how to negotiate and navigate with different individuals; understanding their needs and stroking their egos or knowing how to shut them down.  I am in the camp of Clinton but appreciating Bernie Sanders driving issues of the environment, big money rule of America, health care, and appropriate Jazz messengers. He needs to be a big part of the next administration and if he isn't, it will be a troubling sign. However I am not confident that the American people would choose the most ideal candidate for all of America.  Hillary is strong. tested, composed and while she sometimes has a problem winning the nomination of her own party, she can kick Republican ass.  This is needed now.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Thoughts About the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame (But first a public service announcement):

   This year a huge change is coming...and it's not the Presidential election.

    Boys, Supreme Court justice Anthony Scalia died unexpectedly this week. Now President Obama will nominate his replacement. This process will be contentious and possibly if the Republicans have it their way, will drag on for over a year, hoping that they can stall the nomination to the next Republican President. Scalia was very conservative in his decision making and having a judge who rules moderately would turn the balance of the court to a more progressive direction.  Ideally you have judges who decide fairly and do not follow a liberal or conservative path, and base their decisions hearing all arguments.  My preference is for a judge who is open to change, and is not blind to the hardships and unfairness that many citizens face.  In many lasting ways the biggest impact a President makes are the Supreme Court appointments he (or she) has appointed in their time in the White House.  See below for a list of judicial appointments by Presidents.

And now for the advertised topic:

Scroll down for a good read (link) of artists that did not make it to their Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame induction. Most did not show up by choice, some because of scheduling conflicts, others personality conflicts within their band and one legend that the Hall apparently neglected to invite to his own induction.   I'm all for the artists hanging out with friends, receiving their just desserts and selling more records, reuniting or having fun but to me, something nauseating about rock and roll celebrating itself, especially since this is run by the record industry. Pretty much my feeling about all entertainment show business awards, and where we place our values.

Admittedly I was actually excited that one of my old faves, Chicago  finally got in.  This band, has suffered by existing too long (better in terms of their legacy and rock and roll lore if they had all perished in a plane crash 30 years ago) but in the subsequent years have been  able to take care of their families and keep working. There's something to be admired about that, if not musically.  They peaked in '69-'74 with Terry Kath's distinctive guitar playing and some nice material now and then up until 1984, when Peter Cetera finally left the band to sing theme songs for the Karate Kid and to make a nice Christmas record.  The band replaced him with a musician who sounds like Cetera but with much less range then him. They have been punished for the last 30 years I guess.

Some type of dispute with Robbie Robertson kept the band from ever being nominated to the Hall with many bands of less influence (think  with Blood, Sweat and Tears, the prominent horn charts, Robert Lamm's song writing, and Kath).  And the Spinners have never gotten in either.

Anyway I read that the band was finally in, talk of a one night reunion with a big finale of 25 or 6 to 4 and Cetera strapping his bass again. Unfortunately it's not happening for the band or the Hall isn't going for Cetera's condition that all past living members be invited to the event, as a way for closure of old grievances. Oh well.

The article is from Cetera's website as is the "Make that 27" comments with it:

February 10, 2016
Make that 27! Happily moving on!

Chicago Transit Authority

Chicago with Al Green

What's This World Comin' To?

and then this one I discovered tonight. an oddity surely. I'm putting this here for me. The fashions are definitely mid '70's. This is a cover of a Duke Ellington song. A piece he wrote for a play about the day slaves were given their freedom (or at least thought the day had arrived).

Jump For Joy

Judicial appointments by president[edit]

Circuit courts/[1]
Courts of appeals
District courtsTotal
George Washington10n/a[2]2838
John Adams316[3]423
Thomas Jefferson37[4]919
James Madison22913
James Monroe102122
John Quincy Adams101112
Andrew Jackson601824
Martin Van Buren20810
William Henry Harrison0000
John Tyler1067
James K. Polk21710
Zachary Taylor0044
Millard Fillmore1045
Franklin Pierce13[4]1216
James Buchanan1078
Abraham Lincoln502732
Andrew Johnson0099
Ulysses S. Grant4[5]103246
Rutherford B. Hayes241622
James A. Garfield1135
Chester A. Arthur241319
Grover Cleveland42/9[6]3045
Benjamin Harrison42/10[6]2642
William McKinley162835
Theodore Roosevelt3195375
William Howard Taft5[7]133856
Woodrow Wilson3205275
Warren G. Harding464252
Calvin Coolidge1176179
Herbert Hoover3164362
Franklin D. Roosevelt8[7]51134193
Harry S. Truman427101132
Dwight D. Eisenhower545129179
John F. Kennedy221102125
Lyndon B. Johnson240126168
Richard Nixon446181231
Gerald Ford1115062
Jimmy Carter056203259
Ronald Reagan3[7]83290376
George H. W. Bush242148192
Bill Clinton266[8]305373
George W. Bush262[8]261325
Barack Obama255260317

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Chinese New Year

Gung Hay Fat Choy (Gunng hay fhaat choy)!  Lunch at Aunt Janey's with Doreen, George and Matteo, Hingee and Mike.  It's really cool how much Matteo enjoys the boys and in return, equally so. Then over to 30th Avenue, joined by Kevin for dinner, to watch some of the NBA All-Star hijinks, and a toast to Mom (her birthday this week). Traci called earlier before going to a game at Marquette. I floated out the idea to Dexter that maybe when he's out of school (earlier than Oliver, and scheduling for the four of us has been difficult) to consider a trip to visit Traci in Chicago.

Nice to meet Liza the pup, fun to watch her nibble on Mike, to visit with the bison in Golden Gate Park and also to walk on the newly rebuilt back stairs at 30th AV. 

Friday, February 12, 2016

Chew Blue Lou

 The celebration of Chinese New Year's is represented by the color red. Beginning a new tradition of wearing red pants or red tights. The boys seem thrilled by this enhancement as Dexter responded with "are you trying to tell me something!?" and Oliver proudly showed me his interest in track as he runs away as soon as I drop him off at school.  It's the year of the monkey (Oliver's year) and if the monkey=scoundrel, well that would be appropriate.

Today I finally was able to blast a soft tension ball from our back porch over our fence and over the Emergency Response Building Construction, the next yard and across the street behind it. I'm kind of happy about it.  It was a rising line drive that went over the center of the building (I usually pull these Dexter spheres- I didn't want to write Dexter balls to the right of the building).  On rainy days the moist thick air slows down the momentum but it's been sunny and warm, and the spheres carry.  A distance of about 220 feet I'd guess and 40 feet high.

launch view, ball landed in front of the house as seen through the construction building in progress.
view #2

reverse view of Emergency Response building facing our backyard

landing point
  Raccoons  have finally discovered our pond.  A morning after I had cleaned out the filter I noticed the area in disarray. The long sunning sticks were toppled, one out of the pond, one submerged. The filter was even out of sight.  Climbing in and reaching into the very cold waters I found parts of the filter. Crawling and cleaning, my moments turned into a scene from a horror movie as after I spotted a a fish tail on the rock, I discovered one headless fish, then another, and more.  Fresh kills, or preserved in the cold morning air.  I knew I had until night time to determine what I could do at this point so I left my clean up until later. I spent the day researching, seeking advice at the plant nursery and getting materials at the hardware store. It took a few hours but laying out some thick chicken wire and applying 100 ties to prevent any space that animals can slip into or use as leverage to pull apart. I know that it's possible that if they are determined, the raccoons might pull up the fence but this is what we can do, short of electrifying the fence or some sensor lights.  Some of the smaller fish are still alive, and while I didn't do a detailed sweep of the murky water, I did find one turtle and suspect, hope that the other small one is still present. Hibernating they wouldn't have darted around as the fish did, likely believing they were going to be fed.  I don't blame the raccoons for doing what's natural but hey, just eating the heads is kind of wasteful.

Improvements nearly complete. Finally completed by the first hour of evening's darkness

I am sorry your end was likely grim Lou.  Posing for family photos in August.  25-28 years was not a bad run. Thanks for being my friend.  Can't say we had many cuddly moments but you were unique and special to us.
                    PS: Happy Birthday Perry and Happy Anniversary Kathy and Bob!

Monday, February 1, 2016

Hiking Huckleberry

   These days leave us with few weekends where we are all together, without obligations or opportunities that pull us apart.  While we are grateful that the boys have friendships and places to go to, it's very special when we can all be together.  At the same time it's not always easy motivating everyone to get outside but hey, the rains have ceased and daylight beckoned.  We headed to the Huckleberry Botanical Regional Preserve which I know sounds more like a jar of jam is a quiet and pretty place for a cool hike.  Oliver and I went here in late August.  Today we were still spooked by the possibility of mountain lions but perhaps feeling strength in numbers, or 50% less chance of getting munched on.  No mountain lions, nor any wildlife to be seen. The physical absence of the company of pretty creatures be it a cat, an eagle or a crow.  We would occasionally hear other people and the water from recent rains rolling down the hills.  Otherwise, just our footsteps and Oliver's endless chatter.  I think I would have preferred the crow.

photo by Dext

not exactly sure what Oliver is sniffing

I guess most of all, days together are fulfilling.  We are fortunate.

Hiking Huckleberry Happiness.

I Can't Keep This A Secret Any Longer

With great news this morning of November 7,2020, it's time to share more: I didn't like my makeup and admittedly I am wearing a bad ...