Not far from the truth- and now, let's immediately begin my New Year's rambling babble:
My real name is Abraham Lincoln-pronounced "A bra ham Lin- col-n". I was the walrus but now am the porpoise, with a purpose. My children are named "Sun" and "Raisin". I am Maria's third husband. The 49'ers are World Champs, thrashing New Orleans, Green Bay and New England, 547-12, combined score. I'm thinking I ought to just make stuff up for this year so I will begin doing so with the next words.
Seems to be our annual winter visit to Cambria, along the central coast for two nights. The elephant seals not far from Hearst Castle seemed to be calmer on the day we visited; no pups getting over run by the big fat bulls and one fight was pure bluff with the smaller bull retreating after one strike. Everyone was content to lay in the warmer than usual sun, splashing sheets of sand to provide coolness.
We enjoy the calm of Moonstone Beach, Robin's and the Main Street Grill and I love running into the sports card shop and sifting through the various 1-$3 packs of deals. Also, a find of a book of baseball by the last true Commissioner of the game, Faye Vincent- not the shill that has been, Bud "Shill" Selig. And $2 for this piece!
Also, time spent together- although with some dismay of time spent with a PSP (here but not here) but saved in moments of running through the big green places of the place where we stayed.
Now reality calls with present conflicts and items to settle, work and school and demands. Moments of paralysis but the purpose of the porpoise is to swim, go forward . The hope at the end of the day is to have done so with clarity and kindness.
Bringing in the New Year!
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