Thursday, September 9, 2010

Hey, I'm Still Working!

There goes the extra time I was planning on having off. There goes my plans of being house husband/daddy and friend for my soon to be 90 year old father. Of course most of the time spent with my father would be answering his queries as to how I lost my job. But I'm still working, and it looks as if it might be for awhile.

So what took me to this place? What brought me to the cold I have, not from the big party Dexter had but from stress from last week's canceled meeting, re scheduled for this week (yesterday)? While attempting to be a vague (just in case) the genesis of my situation is this: I have been told to scale back on my standard of customer service to do what I feel anyone can do- not what I was hired to deliver (deliver, get it?). Any idiot can put things on a shelf, and I don't mean to insult any idiots who do this. So instead, I am delivering every confirmation email to the virtual shelves which does leave me in a bit of an extra pickle; 1. determining a system to have the numbers reflect appropriately 2. the emails no longer will tell me where things actually are, so I can not make any mistakes. 3. confusion as to what information the emails provide.

So you say, hmmm, this is kind of Paul Blart, Mall Cop-ish. Afraid so. Whatever one does, one should take it seriously. At least we are at a place now where I can afford to have my professional integrity. Here in my life, my only ambition is to be a good citizen, a good father and husband, a good soul. My eventual meeting as I interpreted it turned out like this: that anything I do, as long as I get the job done, played smartly is okay. However I am on my own.
What I am doing is contrary to the directive but better serves/ and is preferred by my customers. I can't do less. Most important to me, someone was told to solve my actions and as far as he "sees" it, is solved. Left to my own devices. Trust. Of course what is making work feel more like work these days, is an increased workload-40%, and that I am left to my own devices. So maybe I would be better off with extended time off. I wouldn't be so damn tired.

To change the subject, best wishes to my friend Andrew, competing in the Big Kahuna in Santa Cruz this weekend.

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