First, obviously someone did not read my blog about the temperature. It's too hot. Now on to the topic. I am fascinated with a facet of the criminal element- at least those types of crimes that gather airplay with the national media outlets. This curiosity is in regards to those committing these deeds; often we find them to be of groups of mixed race participants. . Criminals of all types of people, working together. Progress? This is avoided in certain types of high theft- your Wall Street type of gig is not very integrated. All of this has much less to do about race but points to class levels and the social circles in which we exist.
Then we have today's "big" story. Crazy Asian Man takes Discovery building hostage (the Media left out the Asian description but put his big mug up front and center. Wink). If you read some of his stuff, he makes some sense about his claims of the Discovery channel but his actions were crazy and unwarranted, on any level of comprehension.
Used to be, in America with few exceptions that the individuals doing crazy things on a big scale (shooting up crowds of people, strangers) were almost always white folks, And also in America because guns are so prevalent. Now, the perpetrators of these acts can be any color. Progress? This too is more about how people are dealing with their rage with guns, weapons that are so easily accessed in the US.
A few years ago I asked a librarian friend to look up the amount of deaths by guns in the US in one year compared to another country where civilians are not packing the heat. The number was something to the amount of US, 35,000 to Japan, 5. And if we could include the number of deaths in the world related to guns made in the US, the numbers would be staggering. The US, us. Progress? In Japan they still club dolphins to death. We don't. I wouldn't have a problem if today's story was reported, " A crazy Chinese guy held hostages at the Discovery office today"- people are thinking it anyway. I am.
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