I may be violating some code of blogging but if i am and anyone objects, I'm sure that I will find out about it, soon. So following my usual should I or shouldn't I-code, let's go.
Some friends and family have been nice enough to list themselves as "followers" of this blog. I thought it might be of some interest to write about them- i imagine their little pictures extending a handshake or a glance but they might instead imagine sudden stern glares at this scribbler. Also this is a way to get another edition in, when it's been obvious that I ran out of material after blog #25. Expect another

These will be brief, neither invasive and relatively painless. I will only use the names as they have listed if one was to click on their symbol.
Eileen is one of my great sister-in-laws, she of one of who provided care of D and O (Dando!) while we frolicked far away. As Dempsey women go, their talents are limitless, their acceptance provides reassurance and a grateful, "whew!. They were my Sally Field moment; they like me- I'm alright! Eileen, of the smile, go-to- laugh, mystery and quirky sense of humor.
Drew Schwarz is perhaps epitomized in the photo that he uses of himself; not the most graceful of poses but certainly free of vanity. Anytime one is happily willing to present self in a goof..humorous way is a welcome quality in my book. Genuinely interested in what you have to offer and also willing to dish sarcasm, gamer extraordinaire, and stand up guy.
Katie Murphy was one of my morning customers who always seemed to welcome each day as if it would be the best one possible. Contrast with a grumbling staff (me included) who started their day at 5am. But after awhile it seemed okay to buy into her attitude. There are people who take a lot of energy to be around and others, who provide it. It was fun convincing her that it was okay not to pay once when she forgot her money; it's not just the money- it's the community that matters. Katie was one who helped make our community matter.
Andrew, my former neighbor at work is the same someone who completed the 140 mile Iron Man in Australia, something I still have difficulty comprehending. I have difficulty swimming from one end of a swimming pool to the other (okay, one side to the other side) let alone 2.4 miles. Someone who accomplishes things with precision and someone who takes a bit of time to get to know but as you do, you realize how much he enjoys life, challenging himself, is a great supporter of his friends, fan of animation and all the great sports teams of Philadelphia. Yes!
Hobbs is a unique character who to me at least, always seems to be ready to laugh at something, about something, or at someone. There's plenty of time and world events to feel badly about so getting those laughs in is a good idea. Seems to me that a theme of awkward silences recurs, from possible past days of lengthy awkward silences but these now are great moments! More real than just a how are you (I don't really care, but it's something i'm saying to cover the p.a.s.: potential awkward silence). How's that for oblique? Also goofy in the best sense of the word.
Maria and Brian- no, i didn't sign myself up. I believe Maria signed us up to cover herself if I wrote (still time for this) something she didn't like, and could then excuse herself and say I was my own follower. Anyone that knows me knows that I wouldn't follow myself; i tried to shake me for my first 25 years until I realized it's kind of a difficult task to do. So 25 trying to lose my shadow, 25 accepting him, the next 25, we got some work to do, together.
Hey, mostly i just want to thank anyone who takes the time to occasionally read this, those that are nice enough to "follow", those boys of mine that will have to know the material when they are in their 20's, and I'm spending all my time preparing quizzes for them, from this blog. Hopefully then these pages will be referred to as something grander than "blog". The term blog sounds close to something associated with orifice. Which probably speaks to the quality of what is being written.