Come on. My friend she's got a real millenium baby. A great kid. Yeah. Sometimes I ask the old lady - how old is that millenium baby? Then after a slap on the forehead and a "you idiot", it's easy to remember. I don't think the slap on the forehead helps much. But just turned another year, you know. So my friend, she had the toughest of luck when she was a kid. Pain in the ass of a kid you know but just trying to find herself like all of us...hey, are those really chocolate cherries? would ya mind? mmmm. So anyway, seems like a block of concrete falls on her life. She gets back up and oh shit, another big piece of concrete. Bam! Solid hit. Don't be cheap with those cherries...after a time, she dragged herself back up-now I know her since she was fifteen and she always got back up. Sometimes it took awhile. Sometimes we worried but she did it. Always did it. Did what she had to do, you know. Then had a kid. And Dedicated her life to that kid. A great kid. You know I love her kid like one of my own. She's a real good mom. Trying harder. Learns from mistakes. Trying harder. I think to myself- if she can get up with what's on her plate, well, i can deal with whatever grease gets on mine- right?. So someone i used to feel sorry for, she's darn right inspirational. So I'm telling you this story, a real good story just's true. We miss her but when we think about her, we feel good.

ok I'm all choked up--you are the sweetest piece of pie.