Wednesday, August 17, 2011

They Can't Catch Us All

Every once in awhile, a political movement takes hold and the voice of the people is finally heard, and true change can begin. Born from the depths of despair, it can take root and grow. We the people can not refuse the opportunity to take back what was once ours, and what can be again.

It is a movement of the people and not the politicians. No politicians- for fear of the loss of PAC money and the influence of special interests, will address the issue. Who has the courage to ask those that govern about taking a stand for the NRZ? Yes, our troubled economy and military occupations are crucial conflicts that ache for resolution but the first candidate that is willing to speak up for the NRZ movement has my vote. These candidates would be showing the courage to believe in hope and faith.

100,000 people at the first NRZ March. August 2011, San Francisco Bay Area. Despite attempts to suppress this rally, people persevered and gathered together.

In recent years, the message has been of anti-hope; saying we have no chance. A grim forecast. Shadows that overtake and overwhelm. A prevailing message that in its fierce and violent delivery threatens everyone. NRZ, however believes that they can't catch us all. NZR believes in the glory days of the past when hope was of the living, and not a dream shattered and a meal for the dead. NRZ is the No Running Zombies movement.

Zombies should not be allowed to run. They used to be slow creatures who we could get when we needed to, or avoided them just by being careful. Those perpetrators that support fleet of foot zombies are special interest groups who will use scare tactics and fear to control people; keep them inside watching their televisions. Don't go out and experience the world and other cultures; other cultures are foreign zombies who not only will take your jobs but they will eat you. They will chase you down and eat you. Just like monkeys that will eat your face. No,no, no.

The movement begins now.
They can't catch us all.

Sign a petition. Get aboard.
( I mean get a board in case one of
'em gets too close. Then whack the

I just stumbled upon this essay by Simon Pegg ("Shaun of the Dead"). I got something here!

1 comment:

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