Several years ago the Giants offered fans the opportunity to purchase a brick (yes, a marketing gimmick but a sound one) behind the Willie Mays statue. At the time I thought this would be an appropriate way to memorialize my friend John but of course by the time I got around to actually pursuing the idea, the deadline had passed. I'm a bit cloudy on the dates (common recurring theme); that is if the first offer was prior to the opening of the park-2000, then John was still existing on our shared plane of existence. Missing the deadline was soon followed by the opening of the park and John's too soon departure and so, a tremendous missed opportunity.
Last year the opportunity came again (as it will in the future- much room for more bricks) and I jumped on it this time. I added my parents and Dexter and Oliver- hope that they will get a kick showing their kids someday. This reminds me of an engraving i did into some cement in the front of my bank for Maria and me. It's faded now and probably new cement has been laid over. However for a good fifteen years I would always visit the fading square and proudly remember the day I showed Maria. Dexter and Oliver, if you ever write in fresh cement- a business is preferred- plus write something meaningful or clever, something lasting, and run before you get caught. As a responsible adult and role model, I do need to communicate the importance of not getting caught. Don't get caught.
We didn't get out to see the brick as I missed the email notification of the where and when but after contacting the company (in Iowa?) we journeyed out to find it. Located just beyond the Juan Marichal statue near the water on the Right Field border, it was an easy find. A rewarding find. We chose the traditional SF logo instead of the World Series symbol as the Giants will (rarely) be the World Series champs but always (certainly in my heart) be the San Francisco Giants. All the names connect family, friends, and my sons, the joys of my life. As a brick, my foundation.

I asked my family to pose for the Dickinson family and without any complaint, they did so.
I love this. Wonderful! I'll be sure to look for it next time I'm near there. love you all, kathy