Sunday, January 27, 2013
The Next Generation
It's their time and they are running with it. Josh and Jackie were married on Saturday January 19 and we had a blast attending the extravaganza. Family weddings are a great shared experience; a rare time to mark time and affirm the blessings that life can provide. We only have to remember back to July 2010 to recall the bond and fun at Bobby and Meredyth's wedding, who by the way continue to create a nice template of the How To.
The Cocoanut Grove in Santa Cruz. The cold and rain of the past several weeks had opened up to warm glorious sun by Thursday. While any weather is just fine by me for a wedding, this recent change could not have been more welcome for a weekend at the Boardwalk.
There are some people I never worry about and here the shared union of these two seems not only logical but completely correct. Theirs is a nice complimentary balance and it is a pleasure witnessing young Joshua now as a confidant happy man.
Hey! Presenting the return of Johnny, Air Force duties complete back in our gang again! Hooray! Watching the brothers equally puzzled by the toast of the other Best Man of the wedding party was to view them as brothers, again. Sister Mickey, about to start her tour at Disneyland (dream come true) with Cousin Stacey continue their inspired lunacy. Congrats to the parents of the newly married for contributing to the composition of these good citizens. Tim and Patty can certainly be proud to be a part of this success,no matter what.
Jay, Miah, Jeremiah- and he's just one cousin! holding down the corner of the wedding party table and continually fulfilling his role as the Patrick Willis of the family shared a story of how he once accidentally knocked his brother Tom out, with a twist to the tale as what you might get from twisting oranges. Tom's welcoming nature and ready laugh, and with the dynamic Stacey gather together with Uncle Pappy Chris- Dad to them for some cool pics. Chris has achieved a status of Most Regal Harp player, styling in a nice jacket.
The mad, mad Photobomber2013- formerly known as Cailin appears, then disappears, then get the idea. It's good to have crazy hobbies. Her folks, appointed guardians of Ann and John (coincidentally Maria's parents too- what are the chances?!) shined brightly in loving caretaker ways, delighted for the newly married.
Marley, with her big expressive face welcoming all dances filled the room with laughter of playing with Oliver, Dexter and Clark. Meghan, relieved that her time of gratis hair setting of all bridesmaids could now be spent enjoying the company of her stellar partner, Tony and catching up with her cousins. I love seeing them sport around in their Lotus Hair Salon vehicle; the Batmobile of our family!
Maria was thrilled to host Ann and John in our hotel room across the street from the Grove and beach, just prior to the wedding. And the gallant two were all that as they trekked over, down some perilous steps to get to the promised land. The promise was fulfilled and delivered.
All family connections, past and newly present carried the spirit foward. Jackie's parents ever gracious in the evenings provisions and warmth.
We may have held up the ceremony just a bit as I tried with Dexter to find the elevator for John and Ann. A well meaning youthful arcade employee set us on a wrong pathway but he ran over to let us know- apologizing only because he cared. Finally getting upstairs we were greeted by a well-suited man who seemed completely at home in his shiny tux (no matter how he felt about being in it). Was that Joshua's father/Maria's brother Tim? Why yes! Dapper dude! The photo of Joshua and Tim as they saw us approaching on the Boardwalk is one my favorite photos. Two men together with prideful (possibly nervous) smiles reflecting how we all were feeling on this night. A father and son team that in its existence had the son referring to his father as "Tim" years before the Simpsons. Joshua. Johnny. Mickey. You done good Tim.
One week later, typing these words to Sinatra song while gazing at blue skies behind white curtains, I am in perfect relaxation mode. There is a loyal cup of coffee by my side and Oliver in I-Pad meditation (medication?) across the way. I'm thinking about these nieces and nephews whom I've had the pleasure of knowing for many years from helping make my wedding to Maria one of my best days to present time and I am proud of all of them. The wedding of Jackie and Josh is not only a marking in time but a reminder of where we've been, where we are and that we stand together.
Friday, January 25, 2013
It's Always On My Mind
As soon as i sort through some photos, I can report on Josh and Jackie's wedding, 3 nights in Santa Cruz and Oliver's overnight field trip on the ranch...
You may notice that there are some topics I continually writing about; family, New Orleans, baseball, journeys and the occasional odd beast.. However I do not write about the job that was most meaningful to me or the place you (Dexter and Oliver) both know so well, where your Mother works.
I'm still not going to write much about Peets! It was where I did the best work I've done, and will most likely ever accomplish. And yet the best work our family has done and is still doing is what your Mother accomplishes everyday. Some days I am sure the successes are easier to source when work feels less as work but with meaning and deliverance of purpose.
( what do you do with Xmas trees the week after Christmas? why- pick 'em up around the neighborhood and set them up in the yard of the pre-school. The wonder continues for the young 'ens when they return from their break. Planted courtesy Katie and Dexter, hardworking alumni.)
To protect the privacy of the children I'll stay away from specifics, photos of them at play. The Co-Op encourages the children to work out their feelings, to experience and to communicate their needs, while beginning to make room for the needs of their peers. Willing cooperation , laughter as language, play as the motion, silence as an option not a directive, creativity encouraged, and hearts nourished. If the grown ups tune in, attentive and are present in the moment, these attributes can become mutual.
Self esteem; if you like yourself, you can truly accept others. The sense of fun, the spark of wonder, an ability to empathize sets the young ones on a path more ready for the rough roads life will bring, but also able to enjoy and recognize good days as they occur.
For Maria, it's always about the children. So while I may not have numerous entries about this wonderful place that we have spent so much time in, it is always on my mind. In your lifetimes, may your memories be of where your Mother helped many be a little bit better. And remember Molly, Anne, Graham, June, Judith, Marge, Kate,Jim, Donna, Sally, Liz, Elsa,Nova,....,the friendships you made and all the individuals that contributed to helping you guys become the good people you are.
You may notice that there are some topics I continually writing about; family, New Orleans, baseball, journeys and the occasional odd beast.. However I do not write about the job that was most meaningful to me or the place you (Dexter and Oliver) both know so well, where your Mother works.
I'm still not going to write much about Peets! It was where I did the best work I've done, and will most likely ever accomplish. And yet the best work our family has done and is still doing is what your Mother accomplishes everyday. Some days I am sure the successes are easier to source when work feels less as work but with meaning and deliverance of purpose.
( what do you do with Xmas trees the week after Christmas? why- pick 'em up around the neighborhood and set them up in the yard of the pre-school. The wonder continues for the young 'ens when they return from their break. Planted courtesy Katie and Dexter, hardworking alumni.)
To protect the privacy of the children I'll stay away from specifics, photos of them at play. The Co-Op encourages the children to work out their feelings, to experience and to communicate their needs, while beginning to make room for the needs of their peers. Willing cooperation , laughter as language, play as the motion, silence as an option not a directive, creativity encouraged, and hearts nourished. If the grown ups tune in, attentive and are present in the moment, these attributes can become mutual.
Self esteem; if you like yourself, you can truly accept others. The sense of fun, the spark of wonder, an ability to empathize sets the young ones on a path more ready for the rough roads life will bring, but also able to enjoy and recognize good days as they occur.
For Maria, it's always about the children. So while I may not have numerous entries about this wonderful place that we have spent so much time in, it is always on my mind. In your lifetimes, may your memories be of where your Mother helped many be a little bit better. And remember Molly, Anne, Graham, June, Judith, Marge, Kate,Jim, Donna, Sally, Liz, Elsa,Nova,....,the friendships you made and all the individuals that contributed to helping you guys become the good people you are.
Sunday, January 13, 2013
Odds, Ends And The Ice Skaters
Bits of business, some recent, some ongoing and some ever present. In 2005 I snuck in pictures of the boys within a framed photo of some PR we were to post for the public to view. At the time we were beginning to be micro managed with approval for everything that was on the walls. We were told to remove a great drawing a regular customer did of the team at work. It reached a point of unfunny silliness.
The frame below was apparently never noticed other than by my staff and still exists on the wall today. This shows me the administrators are more about control than detail. Just for the record , here it is and Peets, keep up the good work for the Butterfly School in New Guinea. It is something the company can be proud of. And I am still proud of my boys at work.
Just the facts no matter how it paints me: My public bathroom etiquette is as follows. I do not like to have conversations in public bathrooms. I'll be happy to speak to you outside or if we're sitting in a big fancy throne with seating outside the stalls. Perhaps this began when Dexter's dentist (at the same) wanted to engage with me with a long banal conversation completely nude (actually in a dressing room near the bathroom). More about my own personal discomfort I suppose -however Dexter did choose the wrong sink to hide under as Dr. Dentist chose that sink to be his podium. I felt his pain.
Secondly, it's just a thing but I like to wash my hands. Yes, not the most green process but I will wash my hands thoroughly in a bathroom. In a public bathroom, I will wash my hands longer than the person (man or woman) that I am next to. If you join me in the adjoining sink at about the same time, I will outlast you. Side by side I recently found myself staring in the eyes of a rival hand washer. Game on. Two, three, four minutes, then a knowing nod and a willing draw. Next time everyone behind us will just have to wait a little bit longer.
It was cold when we skated. I fell more than usual. Maria does this better than me. Dexter has a skaters smooth technique and Oliver is always game. This night, people were falling all over. The sounds of skaters as bowling pins crashing around us.
Model A, John's pride and joy kept in the garage at Ruby Street. After a long hiatus may be on the road once again thanks to Tim's care. The motor runs and tomorrow brings the hope that it may find the roads of Redwood City once again. I want to be there.
On Mission Street between 25th and 26th, open Tuesday-Sunday from 11:30-7 is a fine place dedicated to sodas. Bottles and bottles, divided by types of flavors and types of brews. Friendly helpful staff and easy prices to comprehend ($2 per bottle, 4 for $6, and any more than this is too much pop.) Despite recent studies for adults that drinking 4 cans/bottles of soda pop a day brings a 30% greater chance of depression, I can be pretty happy with a couple of bottles a week. A deep chill chamber with ice, a filter to circulate the freeze and a bit of gin (why?) invites for a good brisk beverage.
the candy will bring up your bill!
The frame below was apparently never noticed other than by my staff and still exists on the wall today. This shows me the administrators are more about control than detail. Just for the record , here it is and Peets, keep up the good work for the Butterfly School in New Guinea. It is something the company can be proud of. And I am still proud of my boys at work.
Just the facts no matter how it paints me: My public bathroom etiquette is as follows. I do not like to have conversations in public bathrooms. I'll be happy to speak to you outside or if we're sitting in a big fancy throne with seating outside the stalls. Perhaps this began when Dexter's dentist (at the same) wanted to engage with me with a long banal conversation completely nude (actually in a dressing room near the bathroom). More about my own personal discomfort I suppose -however Dexter did choose the wrong sink to hide under as Dr. Dentist chose that sink to be his podium. I felt his pain.
Secondly, it's just a thing but I like to wash my hands. Yes, not the most green process but I will wash my hands thoroughly in a bathroom. In a public bathroom, I will wash my hands longer than the person (man or woman) that I am next to. If you join me in the adjoining sink at about the same time, I will outlast you. Side by side I recently found myself staring in the eyes of a rival hand washer. Game on. Two, three, four minutes, then a knowing nod and a willing draw. Next time everyone behind us will just have to wait a little bit longer.
It was cold when we skated. I fell more than usual. Maria does this better than me. Dexter has a skaters smooth technique and Oliver is always game. This night, people were falling all over. The sounds of skaters as bowling pins crashing around us.
Model A, John's pride and joy kept in the garage at Ruby Street. After a long hiatus may be on the road once again thanks to Tim's care. The motor runs and tomorrow brings the hope that it may find the roads of Redwood City once again. I want to be there.
On Mission Street between 25th and 26th, open Tuesday-Sunday from 11:30-7 is a fine place dedicated to sodas. Bottles and bottles, divided by types of flavors and types of brews. Friendly helpful staff and easy prices to comprehend ($2 per bottle, 4 for $6, and any more than this is too much pop.) Despite recent studies for adults that drinking 4 cans/bottles of soda pop a day brings a 30% greater chance of depression, I can be pretty happy with a couple of bottles a week. A deep chill chamber with ice, a filter to circulate the freeze and a bit of gin (why?) invites for a good brisk beverage.
the candy will bring up your bill!
Sunday, January 6, 2013
This promises to be an UltraOliverMan year. I watched UltraMan when I was about Oliver's age way back in the late 60's. UltraMan fought monsters who "threatened" the community, coming to the aid of the Science Patrol when they couldn't stop the beasts. A while ago I came across the complete first year of UltraMan for $5. It took over a year to convince Oliver to watch, and now he is hooked.
The costumes are cheesy, clever, funny- think about the old Godzilla movies but imagine the monsters as rejects for that project. There is a relation as the companies were linked, possibly the same company. Some of the material is incredibly funny and hopefully intentionally so. Watching some of these now, I realize that at times UltraMan slays the monsters before the creatures have done anything wrong, other than simply existing. He blows one up just for sleeping. Maybe this is tell children it's bad to sleep in, let alone bad to be a monster trying to catch up on some zzzzz's in the land of the rising sun.
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Tiga ! |
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UltraMan Prime Yo! |
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Next in Line |
Saturday, January 5, 2013
Cambria, With Cai: Sealabration!
Our annual winter trip to Cambria had a fifth member, traveling buddy Cailin. The drive Sunday landed us still in daylight and we settled into the Cambria Pines Lodge comfortably. Three beds and an outside deck and not our best ever dinner at Robin's. Maria's salmon bisque was not as warm as it should be but the service is always friendly within the nicely atmospheric house setting.
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In the Gardens at the Cambria Pines Lodge where Ri and Cai partook German Gluhwein |
When Randolph Hearst built his castle (the unflattering portrait of him in the movie Citizen Kane) he directed his architect Julia Morgan to build a zoo for his guests. There were lions, cougars, an elephant, bears and much wildlife on the property. In the late 1930's as Hearst experienced financial difficulties, he dismantled the zoo and shipped off many of the animals to zoos. Some were allowed to remain on the land, roaming free. Over the years most have died, except the zebra.
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hipsters in Cambria |
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eye to eye |
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youngsters commiserating |
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many babes, the youngest are usually black in color. big bulls are nearby commanding a flock |
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joy of being an elephant seal in water |
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joy of being an Oliver on land |
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central coast Zebra |
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fun in the cool, cool water |
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boy can climb |
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D and B on the rocks |
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Brian, sunning and relaxing...ahhh, this is the life my friends |
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Cailin |
We welcomed New Years in our room. Had to say I enjoyed Kathy Griffin and Anderson Cooper riffing and keeping the network censors on alert. Cailin and I shared a barbecue plate at the Main Street Grill. It was a lot of meat- so much so that I had difficulty looking at the plate, let alone consuming it. I mostly stuck to french fries with a light dusting of cayenne. My 50's will bring me to 1. a haircut 2. vegetarianism 3.seeing a doctor.
It was nice to travel with Cailin again.
A note: the County Crock (i might not have the actual name correct)- the main Cambria grocery store has in effect the plastic bag ban that SF started. While we did not note any compost or recycle bins in town, this grocery store encourages patrons to re-use bags or they charge 10 cents for the use of their recyclable bags.
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