Saturday, January 30, 2016

Like Lawrence Brown, Oliver's Band Concert

      Oliver's band concert led by his instructor, Mr. Reiss was kind of nice. These shows can be painful filled with out of tune violin strings  searching for one note for a long time, but not here. Adding the theme from Jurassic Park in the program was an appealing touch.  Oliver's progression with his trombone playing, as unlikely as a chosen instrument considering its bulk, is admirable. I write this even though he ignored my pre-concert encouragement to yell "solo" and then play for 20 minutes.

    Academically the boys are in a good place with really good grades, better now than ever. I even tried to talk down some of Oliver's teachers at his parent-teacher open conferences asking if a line of citizenship grades (S,O,S) was code for help or in one case if "O" stood for "ouch".  Although we may not have chosen to place one of those bumper stickers that seem to imply we have a honor student, you do not, we were happy that he was proud to have earned one and without asking, immediately placing it on the car.  I told him that I would alter the word "honor" to "horror".
Can you find Oliver? last row of players, second from the back..don't look up.

watching the bigger kids play their set and sitting with his buddy. they were being silly most of the time

And from public file photo: Harbor seals that we have in Alameda. They like to sit at an abandoned pier and when its sunny and warm, of which it hasn't been for some time, there are dozens. Harbor seals are smaller, rounder, cuter than their sleeker sea lion cousins. The next photos are where the harbors congregate and one curious fellow who swam up to near where we were to check us out, craning it's head to look at Maria and Dexter, then back to me.



Took Oliver to see the Harlem Globetrotters and he had a lot of fun. I can see how the Trotters could conceivably lose a game once in awhile; that to allow them the energies of their shenanigans they do not play defense at all. The other team that plays them does try to make their own shots, and seem to be allowed to rebound once (after that the ball must go back to the Globetrotters).  If the Globetrotters miss their fancy shots (which they did to a large extent at this game) and some ill will is generated (not likely as teams do not block shots) the other team might might refuse to participate when they receive the cue to turn the ball over and play the buffoon.  Still, as a 90 year tradition and pure fun for the kids, it still works.

Dexter's disco room

Oliver refers to me as "Chub-O" or "Chub Chub". I call him "Chub Chub Jr."

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