About a week ago I received a phone call out of the blue- Bob Cornell, the father of Andrea "Niddy" Cornell called to say hello. It's been almost 20! years since I've heard his warm, tenor of a voice. So glad he's around- so glad when any of our fathers and mothers are still around. Bob called because he listened to a news story about a Brian Chew who is actively supporting Ed Lee for Mayor in a soundbite.
Bob reminded that he's always thought of me as being a political person, active in civil rights and justice. Who, me? I've kind of forgotten how vocal I was, somewhat strident in my beliefs, but active in them, I guess. It was a nice call for a lot of reasons- not the least of seeing myself for how I was, and how someone I remember fondly still thinks of me. Although it isn't this Chew who did the soundbite for Ed Lee (nor do I presently feel that he is the best choice for this fine city), we did wander down memory road a little bit; the first time his son Dan met me, he shook my hand and then immediately laid down a challenge to a chopstick contest. The victor would be determined by who could pick up the most M&M's with their ivory sticks- this, to the horror of his sister and father. I won. It wasn't even close. My chopsticks was a smokin'. My closest Bruce Lee moment. Dan forever endeared himself to me by doing something as goofy as this.
Bob lives in Portrero Hill. His daughter and our friend, Niddy introduced Maria and I. Niddy and her husband Glen have hosted us in Brooklyn, Larchmont, New York and Atlanta, GA where they reside with three cool daughters. On their honeymoon to Ireland we stayed in their place in Carroll Gardens, Brooklyn for our first visit to New York. A great neighborhood where the older Italian ladies stand on their stoops and yell to their neighbors across the street. The old bakeries. Fine memories.

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