So we're on this exciting trip, a fun trip with people i really like. Right now I'm typing on an iPad the fam gave me (Dexter is at 80% usage)but without an app to download photos. Tried to lighten the carry on weight of baggage with the ONE principle. This is what we always try to do with carry on -no check in but even so our bags were really heavy. The ONE principle relates to packing everything in sets of one. I applied this to my bags- still heavy. One pair of socks, one book, one cap, one computer, one bowling ball.
Airport security makes my kids very nervous. They become so worked up about taking off their shoes that when the time arrives they immediately drop trousers. Got it all covered I guess. Also the walkways to the airplanes are crazy dangerous with what we approach with great caution -the anklers: ankle killers. Marked in yellow, the submerged wheel? tracks draw me in wanting me to break my ankles. Secret way to get back at annoying customers? I compare this to a barista who steams your milk to 225 degrees or the guy at Jamba Juice who gives you an extra creamy smoothie.
Maria dislikes turbulance. Dexter likes it. Oliver can watch everything out the window while I observe my fellows curiosities, fears and joys. While everyone sleeps to the voices of This American Life, I am thinking about our drive from Orlando to where we are now, Pensicola, one quiet night before we continue on.
We also made a short stay in Tampa (less than a 2 hour drive) and visited Aunty Jeanette. Have to say it was nicer than I thought it would be (another case of underestimation; wish I would stop!). Although there are many areas of new ugly development, there is a lot of cool stuff and places to visit (worth a return). We visited in Ybor City and Old Hyde Park and found manatees near the Tampa Electric Company, which unfortunately was closed for manatee loving visitors. It is an oddly fascinating situation where you have a power plant of where manatees congregate for the warm water during the winter months. Instead of perceiving these wonderful mammals as nuisance creatures several agencies including the power company created a safe haven for the manatees (as well as a profitable tourist industry for the city). Aunty Jeanette always full of vim and vigor was delightful to spend time with, and in all the best ways she's pretty nutty. I wouldn't mind having her spirit.
universal manatee file photo
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