Friday, May 20, 2011

I'm Sorry Johanna Rapp

This is some cool yogurt/shaved ice place in Santa Rosa!

Used to be that I would work all day at the cafe and thrive on 6-7 cups of coffee and a pastry until I got home and then would pursue a hearty dinner.

I never lacked energy. I consider one of my favorite offhand compliments was when an assistant manager- good guy and very laid back pulled me aside and asked me if I was on something.
Now I rarely miss a breakfast or lunch before pursuing a hearty dinner. I will connect the thoughts shortly but first let me bring Johanna Rapp into the discussion.

I worked with Johanna for about five years and again, a little later on when she came back to the cafe. Dedicated, artful eye, thrift store master, never one to pass up a snowball (insert wet soggy rag for snowball) fight in the store during opening hours. One of my favorite people to work with and generally an all around goofball. Johanna is often fond of describing me as having no body odor. I'm sorry Johanna Rapp but the times are a changing.

These days find me working in an enclosed room and on occasion I've detected some unpleasant smells; dead mouse? rotting food? Oliver's hair? The person that just left the room ? No. The path leads back Apparently the secret to not having an unpleasant body odor is to spend your waking hours consuming only coffee and a pastry. After dinner, with sleep to cover -by the time I got up at 4:30 in the morning, I had slept the sulfur out of my system. Perhaps I slept oh, odorous but Maria never complained- or was awake either. Now, with breakfast, lunches so readily available my system has been altered. My friends, consider that there are always consequences and no amount of talc powder can change this.

And to you, Johanna my sincerest of apologies for I can no longer be the person that you think I am. And by the way -you and Tim should move back to San Francisco. We miss you.

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