Eight score and two minutes ago, I boldly signed my correspondence as being from the Brave, Brilliant, Brain. But years of puberty (almost done), self doubt(but a flicker), second wind (not that type of wind) blanketed with humility, and busy years raising young 'ens left no time to reclaim my title. Now just like Paquaio I'm ready to roar again. The years 50-60 will be full of daily brave, brilliant, brainy actions and decisions, all resulting from decades of experience. Taken that this declaration is from someone who is afraid of water, took 3 years of accounting with the best grade of C+ and will always opt for the button that gives an electric shock to get the cookie, this is not saying much. Just the same, I am always willing to boldly not say much, and to reach for the cookie. Sincerely, Brave Brillliant Brain Brian
News update**: The deal is off! Almost closed the deal for the trade of Mom's Day for Dad's Day with an additional day to be named later but this has fallen through. Bad Daddy needs to get up and take care of Maria, asap. (french toast with a blueberry filling, hash browns, oranges, caffeine)
No more on this later. Now back to our regular programming.
9/7/11 footnote about 5/1/11: US Forces finally cornered Bin Laden and ended his life. Bin Laden was the main force behind the 9/11 terrorist attack, which will be 10 years this September. On May 1, my response when I came home was a double take, utter surprise and needing immediate confirmation. It may not be right to take anyone's life but I am not conflicted in the end to Bin Laden.
Bad Daddy did try to talk his way out of Mother's Day, but brave, brainy Brian came through. Thanks B.