Friday, July 22, 2016

I Don't Know What But I Like The I Don't Knows

Yesterday we finally got around to having Cailin visited the CaiBar (K Bar, Cai's Bar, or however we want to call it) . T'was as nice a visit as can be experienced. Bob and Kathy and last weekend, Bobby and Meredyth stopped by too. All those Cupps.  What also was especially nice was that Cailin assumed the bartender duties, making my life much easier.  I threw together a (Moosewood) vegetarian gumbo-hey, not bad!  At 9:30, Dext and Oliver and I headed to Beyond (updated entry earlier).

Oliver has been volunteering at a bike shop and really enjoys doing this. The people there are super nice o him (why?). Barry is the manager and his co-workers, Melody (she of the awesome 3 point shot) and Jeremy (super friendly and encouraging to O) are usually there when he stops in.  Oliver is learning a lot, this was his idea, and he will do anything from cleaning, to taking apart a bike, or fixing a flat, inner tube.  I think he likes wearing the cool gloves they sometimes have him wear.

I've kept these photos on my desktop a long time but haven't used them (I think). They are from an evening several years ago in New Orleans when I went to see the Golden Eagles (as memory serves) in a club on upper Magazine Street.  I remember seeing these guys enter the side of the club with their standing head dress making them seem very tall. When the show started it wasn't long before a woman asked me if I knew how to use a movie camera (not a small camera). I told her she would get technical better service from someone more knowledgeable but I provided the best advice that I could.

It wasn't much longer (she was a married to one of the Mardi Gras Indians and at this point, had consumed several beverages- not conducive to a steady hand) when she asked me to film for her. Her husband really wanted the footage and she was in a pickle. These then were the only photos I could take for myself. She led me right into the band and I remember sweating in the heat, the feathers rolling over me in different colored hues and textures, the whooping and hollering, banging of percussion and in hoping that I was actually filming something.  I felt as if I was in the process of becoming a rolled pastry in a very colorful and noisy bakery.

In going back and checking over this blog, I'm going to find that I've posted photos several times. This one is still up at my parents house. It's the last collage I completed.  I think it was put together after my Dad died as a memorial that I could share.  It's captures him and a little bit of my Mom in his later years. We miss you.

Robert- thanks for the nice words you wrote last week about them.  I take back all the insults about your character all these years. Well, most of them.

1 comment:

  1. Cai's Bar is my new happiest place on Earth. Sorry, Tomales Bay, Disneyland, etc. (: That's a wild experience in NOLA! You never told me that story. Let's go back!!


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