Oh lord, these days of hurt and anger. Divisive days, painful ways, sadness of loss. Bombs, guns, murder, hate filled speeches and acts. Intolerance, Judgement The killing of African American brothers and sisters by those sworn to protect our citizens. Slaughter of Police. The reality of Trump- that he could possibly be the next President of the United States. Very real. Orlando. Turkey. France. The state we are all in.
Not only is our commonality what links us, but also the diversity and the differences of who we are, what we believe, with tolerance, understanding, with mercy makes us all better people, not worse. To witness a wedding of two different people who as the minister noted, together they make sense. Something that makes sense. They bring hope to our troubled souls. They lift my spirit, and help me believe in humanity. Their union encourages my faith.
I hope Kaile and Adaya have the best of lives together. Here in the company of friends, in Maria's eyes, there is good.

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