I think the whole reason I wanted to write a blog is to get some coherent notes down about New Orleans- but that involves some thought and concentration. So, instead I am distracted by the story today about Joe Montana moving back to San Francisco. Joe is the greatest...4 Super Bowls...blah blah blah. That's not really what I want to write about- however it is important to me that this can be what sports can accomplish- unite a community if only for a short time; bringing joy when reality is otherwise grim. Perhaps it might be a dire economy or a city still reeling from its mayor and supervisor being murdered, and a terrible trial that results of a poor verdict with the aftermath of riots in our streets.
My father- is a courageous man. My mother, a courageous woman. They worked hard so I could live with opportunities and freedoms they did not have. They were not overtly affectionate people- just not the way they were raised. We were a 100% hug free household...until....the Catch....until a silly event as big boys in red and gold gladiator outfits tossing a funny shaped object over some other silly boys dressed in white and silver. The little engine that could, did send America's team home to watch that year's super bowl. Dad, ever so calm and stoic was not calm and stoic; he was excited, delirious, happy- as I had never witnessed before, or since. Montana to Clark- Incredible! Unbelievable! Shared bliss- in our house. What to do? I knew. I ran to my father as he jumped for joy, and hugged him for the first time. I closed my eyes and held him tight. I can't honestly say if he noticed. The next thing I did was find my mom and hug her too. She tended to hide during close games. From that day, I've continued to hug my parents-maybe my mother a bit more because even with her arms by her side, she always welcomed the hugs- and having children now, I know how honored I am when they choose to hug me. Today as I think about my parents - and missing my mom, I thank Joe Montana for the opportunity he gave to me- a moment greater than 4 Super Bowl wins. This, my greatest victory. PS: I hugged Dad tonight.
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