*Was I the one who swirled my brother's chameleon 'round and 'round by his tail, until the chameleon jettisoned his tail, turning a sickly brown color despite having the tail attached with a giant wad of tape. Yes, I did it.
*Did I, with my best friend Gregory set the school bathroom on fire in 5th grade? I know that the participants did not intend for this to occur. I know that one neglected to run water over the burning paper towels before lighting more towels. I know that at some smoky point, one said "let's ditch!" and Yes, I did It.
*Did I ever, knowingly throw eggs over the fence at tennis players and tennis balls at nude sun bathers below on the beach? I do know that no one was hurt and Yes, I did it.
*Did I ever anger drivers in their vehicles so terribly that once someone in his car chased me down the street one way, then back the other way in reverse . Jumping into some bushes, the driver then got out from his car swearing that when he found me, he would hurt me? heh.heh.heh. Yes, I did it.
* Did I ever light a firecracker in my mouth only to have it turn moist and soggy, and stick to my lips? Yes, I idiot, did it.
*Did I, while waiting for a bus, after a day of college classes turn away the old man who asked if I would come up for coffee, just to talk? He was very old, not threatening and it probably took so much courage to ask a stranger..but when you are alone, it is very lonely. Was I the one who said no- Yes I did it.
I can be stupid. I can be a little joyful about some of my stupid choices. But I learn from my mistakes. I really do.
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