Today is Earth Day. Remember to Conserve.
I am answering v e r y
s l o w l y t o d a y.
D o n 't e x p e c t
m e t o m o v e f a s t .
M u s t d o m y p a r t
t o s a v e
r e s o u r c e s .
P e a c e Y ' a l l .
An entertaining watch with a subtle environmental theme is "Local Hero" with Burt Lancaster primarily filmed in a small town in Scotland.
Today is the birthday of Miles who was born five months before Dexter, just as Maya bookends Dex, four months after him. April 22, since "87 (I don't recall Earth Day being of note back then, if even an observed date) had been a day of infamy for me. A scary incident had for many years since made this date an uncomfortable point in the year. Time helped create a safe distance but more so, the event of Miles' birth on April 22, 1998 completely changed its meaning providing light to where there was shadow. Unexpected.
I've always joked- well, it's his joke and not a particularly funny one- Mile's dad, Richard has always said that he was the culprit many years ago. The truth is, no one could have more courageous in running blindly to possible danger to assist me. So if you ever meet someone who wants to tell you that Ronnie is a hard guy, take it from me- Ricky Rhody is tops in my book; honest, direct and a good man. Miles has been a good friend to Dext and is always happy to see us. We are always happy to see him.
It's nearly midnight and until I set down these words it's been only Miles who gives April 22 meaning. His existence is living, growing- the other thing is just a story which had a beginning and an ending. For the record, Mile's fathers' name is not Richard, Ronald, or Ricky. It is Robert.
Add in equal parts Lisa and Wade and you've got a mighty fine family unit.
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