Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Wake Me Up!

At least once a week I take an extended ride out to my father's house on the Muni. Although it skips plenty of stops, the trip is three times the distance of my normal way home. Indifferent to how my day was, the weather, or other factors- once the bus passes my normal stop, I become very sleepy. Everytime I will fall asleep, sometimes missing my stop. I'm okay with that but my primary concern is not to fall asleep on somebody, again.

I always get on the bus at the first stop and claim a back inside seat where I can lean on the wall/window of the bus. Once I start to feel tired, I can then lay my head against the wall ensuring that when I doze, it won't be on the person next to me. I also try to keep my mouth closed.

I have more than one time fallen asleep on a stranger and it's not a good feeling. Actually it's a pretty good feeling until I wake up. The stranger never seems very happy about either. Of course you might think this type of intimacy would bring laughter and friendship. Once, I dozed on someone I would not ever suggest someone napping on; big man, tough looking man, turned wierded out man. Perhaps tthis is how you can handle potential ruffians on the bus; fall asleep on them. However I've since learned from my mistakes and made the adjustments.

Another time sitting in a solo seat i drifted in and out of dreams but feeling that I was falling into the aisle I made a hard lean to my left. Unfortunately I ended like a fish flopping into a boat, or in this case, the aisle of the bus. Kids in the back had a very good laugh.

I'd like to add that last week riding the bus to work, Dexter and I enjoyed watching a woman fall asleep- head bounce, open mouth, the whole deal- on both people beside her. Great fun. What a loser.

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