Tuesday, April 19, 2011


At work I've been kind of bummed. Since February (2/11 to be precise) we...I have been a bit under the gun for losing a package- it happened to be a fairly high value item; a new replacement phone. One consideration is this is the only one in two year- not so bad really; ball players {here come the baseball similies} drop fly balls that they should have caught and batters miss a big fat pitch-practically jumping out of their shoes when they see it, and strike out. What bothered me is that I knew I had the package earlier in the day and was fairly certain that I had mail slotted the thing correctly. But because I know other people are certain that they saw Elvis purchasing kumquats at the corner store, or that they saw space aliens before lighting up or witnessed Senator Larry Craig doing odd things in a public bathroom- if those people are wrong, I suppose I can be too. Also it didn't feel right to put the blame on anyone but myself, and that's what I did.

Two months of people (not the home folks in this place- they've been very nice) questioning my actions again and again; some tactfully and kindly. I even offered to pay out of pocket when I found out that the content in the folded up envelope was not a dvd or battery but a new phone.

Then today, the nice person (let's call him "J") who had to wait while the questions were pursued (can't we take care of him first?) brought me the original package with the phone inside (he had gotten another a month ago)- said it appeared on his desk this morning. What I privately speculated may have in fact occurred; someone else carelessly grabbed his mail and not believing the contents to be of value, buried the envelope under paperwork- or set aside during a long holiday. Finally re-discovering and delivering it to J's desk either late last night or early this morning, months later.

So I never dropped that ball after all. Think Valko's fists riding over the top of his computer screen when Ryan Howard hits a 3 run Jack (or RBI). F**cking Vindication! Yessss!!

1 comment:

I Can't Keep This A Secret Any Longer

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