Always big on rituals. Always big on fun. Is there a better way to get Oliver going in the morning than encouraging the boy to run over and pop me in the head before I wake up? Of course when I came up with this idea I was awake. It didn't occur to me that I might be sleeping when a now motivated seven year old will willingly get out of bed to get his dear old dad. Feel free to submit the word "dumb" somewhere in there too. There's also a race to get to the breakfast table first to get the Jelly Doughnut, although there rarely is a doughnut.
If I am lucky enough to hear his patter of rushing foot steps, I can turn my head to cushion the blow. It does serve as a very functional morning alarm clock for me, so not a total loss.
For the most part Oliver knows to hold back so he's really not clobbering me. At the same time I can honestly say it's not the most pleasant way to wake up every morning.
I don't recommend this and accept all responsibility as Maria lets me know that I have only myself to blame. I doubt if you will find this methodology in Parenting magazine describing as a good practice- but it works for me. And Oliver. However, I do hope we stop this by the time he's seventeen.
And here are some unrelated photos of last year's Little League Day with the Giants. Unfortunately a parent (not me) who was really into getting good group portraits had the children turn every time a player came over to meet and greet, so the kids didn't really see the players.
Tim Lincecum, Will Clark alumni, and Juan Uribe.

2008, with coach Ron Wotus and
Bengie Molina
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